Friday, July 19, 2013

Concentrator PV (CPV) companies notably absent at Intersolar SF

Maybe they are just saving their powder for the September CPV conference in SF?

PV insider conference 
(I can't embed a vimeo video... sorry)

Amonix High Concentration Photovoltaic and Solaria Low Concentration Photovoltaic presentation are pretty interesting. I'd forgotten about the Solaria approach, they slice Silicon cells cell up and attach those slices to thick and shaped glass panels that lens the light down to the slices at a 3 x concentration. Like me they want to leverage the Silicon supply that the flat panel industry has created. They do, as a result of the lensing, need 1 axis tracking, but they get some extra strength from the thickness of the glass. Enough to ditch the module frame (some non trivial aluminum expense.)

That conference sounds like a winner to me. I'm off to mark up the calendar.

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