Here are some compelling figures on hybrid PVT systems from a thermal perspective. Optimization of the thermal fraction is their agenda and they pound TRNSYS to get some insight. Cool.
here is some of it:
The performance of the PVT system consists in the renewable energy production, net of auxiliary devices’ consumption. Expressed in terms of primary energy, this balance is in general considered an energy saving for the users. Obtained results are shown in the following figures.
Fig. 7. Total energy saving in case of electric heater and natural gas heater Fig. 7. Total energy saving in case of electric heater and natural gas heater
By observing the graphs, it can be seen that primary energy savings are much more consistent in case of electric heater in comparison with natural gas one. Anyway, in both cases, by increasing the PVT collector surface the total energy saving is not increasing linearly, which leads to conclude that global system efficiency is slightly decreasing by increasing PVT area.
This happens because the largest number of collectors increases the heat transfer fluid mean temperature in each loop, while progressively reducing both the PV and thermal efficiency.
However, to perform a complete assessment of the PVT energy performance, global system costs and
savings potentials must be taken in consideration, as reported hereafter.
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